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Revista LifePlay Nº 3 – Septiembre 2014 – ISSN 2340-5570
EDITOR (Issue)
Olmo Castrillo Cano.
Scholar, Department of Audiovisual Communication, Faculty of
Communication at the University of Seville.
This current monographic aspires to promote reflection about the
relationship between videogames and time. Several study perspectives will
be provided in order to accept a wide range of heterogeneous papers.
Videogame´s lenght and contents
. Within this topic the papers that
would analyse the relationship between the contents of a videgame and the
lenght of his sessions will be considered. This front lead us to a crucial
problem in the contemporary production context: the never-ending debate
about the artificial extention of videogames´ lenght (in order to justify the
retail price) opposed to titles that promote density in narrative or
gameplay therms. Can a videogame be long and at the same time avoid a
hollow reiteration of gameplay mechanics or a sterile extension of the
second narrative act? On the other hand, is there room for more
ephemeral titles that encourage re-examination and new interpretations in
a frame of saturated audiovisual production that sentences cultural
products to a disposable status?
Representating the time flow in videogames
. In a setting of cyclical
deaths and resurrections, of saved and loaded games, of quantum
universes that can be restored, how can or how should contemporary
videoludic speeches represent the unstoppable time flow? From this
perspective will be promoted the study of exclusive expressive forms of the
videoludic media, therefore the papers that would deal with the ability or
disability of the medium to represent this condition inherent to human
being and History will be appointed.
The pace of a speech based in the estimation of his parts.
narratolgy and progression through space videogames as the grounds,
from this theorical section will be promoted the analysis of pace in
videoludic texts, whose segments leght in time are condicionated by
players interaction. Those papers that analyse pace in videogames based
on progression will be included, understanding them as texts that make
converge alternation and diversity of game mechanics with narrative
information dosage.