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Revista LifePlay Nº 4 – Abril 2015– ISSN 2340-5570
Juan J. Vargas Iglesias.
Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of
Communication at the University of Seville.
Paula Velasco Padial.
Professor, Department of Aesthetics and History of Philosophy, Faculty of
Philosophy at the University of Seville.
As a gnoseological principle that comes along in one way or another with
the human being from the beginning of culture, philosophy presents
questions about phenomena in any of their definitions, being them
physical or metaphysical. Also, as a vehicle that can be found in the
intersection of lots of the concerns of modernity and postmodernity,
videogame depicts a perfect opportunity to update and give new strength
to such tools of thinking. The encounter between both strata, the one of
thinking and the one of playing (mutually dependent, as Wittgenstein,
Heidegger, Gadamer or Derrida were able to notice), becomes unavoidable
in a society increasingly stated by interactivity and globalization. As the
ultimate entertainment device in the postmodern era, and as a structural
prelude of transmediation and gamification, videogame presents an
influence that cannot escape the most urgent philosophical questions of
According to these considerations, articles sent to the Dossier section will
be grouped according to the following topics:
1. Ludo, ergo sum: for investigations that suggest philosophical approaches
to videogames as vehicles and/or social phenomena: their ontology, their
role in the construction of a social model, their mythopoietic and
logomythical faculties, their capacity and role oriented to the
establishment of a
, etc.
2. Refocus and distortions: for investigations that can set up the
videogame as a linguistic form, enabled to be articulated as a philosophical
proposition, being observed the dispositions that take place at videogame
in relation to themes of long philosophical tradition: death, ethics,
freedom, power, reality, etc.
3. Aesthetics and videogame: for reflections about the aesthetic experience
derived from videogame, the possibility of understanding them as
aesthetical objects, and reflections about their role in the current artistic
landscape and its influence in the development of new aesthetic ideas.