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Revista LifePlay Nº 5 – Mayo 2016 – ISSN: 2340-5570
Therefore, the present edition will explore the basics for the delimi-
tation of an anthropological approach to videoludic media. Ideally,
this approach pursues, by retroduction, the conditions for an an-
thropological field or subdiscipline, responsible for the validation
of the representative and constructivist possibilities of the video-
game as an ethnographic medium. That is, the videogame is not
constituted only as an object, susceptible of being tackled through
ethnography, but also as an object constituted of new techniques
and representative options; qualified, in any case, for the herme-
neutic undertakings of conceptual and cultural translation. In
short, to inquire, on the one hand, into the ethnography of the vid-
eogame and, on the other hand, into the possibility of a videoludic
ethnography. An anthropology
the videogame that will in-
vite for a speculative rate of the anthropology
the videogame.
Based on these considerations, the papers admitted for the Dossier
section will be grouped under the following sections:
1. Anthropology in the videogame: where investigations based on
an anthropology focused in practice and the discursive analysis, in
close rapport with the program of Cultural Studies and which man-
ifest a compromise with ontic levels of the program and the deon-
tological margins of the investigation, thus fostering a critical epis-
temology, both reflexive and deconstructive. To this line of argu-
ment belong the works which touch upon any of the central themes
of the discipline, such as genre, ethnicity, orientalism, colonialism,
postcolonialism, decolonialism, identity, the concept of race, eth-
nocentrism, etc.
2. Anthropology of complexity applied to videogames: where will
be admitted investigations finding in videogames a prominent ob-
ject of the theories and tools of complexity and chaos, theory of
networks, algorithm analysis and application in the videoludic rep-
resentation, psychosocial experiences of artificial intelligence or its
application to the medium of cognitive studies.